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What is the development trend of emission standards in the petrochemical industry
Added: 2020-11-23      Views:    

Petrochemical emission standards

In order to implement the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", "Water Pollution Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China", "Air Pollution Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations, protect the environment, prevent and control pollution, and promote the technological progress and potential of the petrochemical industry. Continue to develop and formulate this standard. This standard specifies the discharge limits, monitoring and supervision management requirements for water pollutants and air pollutants of petrochemical industrial enterprises and their production facilities. The emission of malodorous pollutants and environmental noise by petrochemical industrial enterprises shall be subject to the corresponding national pollutant emission standards, and the identification, treatment and disposal of solid waste generated shall be subject to the corresponding national solid waste pollution control standards. The supporting power boiler implements the "Boiler Air Pollutant Emission Standard" or "The Thermal Power Plant Air Pollutant Emission Standard". This standard is issued for the first time. Pollutant Emission Standard for Petrochemical Industry (GB 31571-2015)

The role of petrochemical industry

1. Petrochemical industry is the main supplier of energy

Petrochemical industry, mainly refers to the gasoline, kerosene, diesel, heavy oil and natural gas produced by petroleum refining, which are the main supply oil of the current main energy.

By. my country produced 80 million tons of fuel oil in 1995. At present, the world's oil and natural gas consumption accounts for about 60% of the total energy consumption; my country uses a large amount of coal, and oil consumption is less than 20%. The energy provided by petrochemicals is mainly used as fuel for automobiles, tractors, airplanes, ships, and boilers, and a small amount is used as civil fuel. Energy is a factor restricting the development of my country's national economy. Petrochemical industry consumes about 8.5% of the total energy. Energy consumption should be continuously reduced.

2. Petrochemical industry is one of the pillars of the materials industry

Metals, inorganic non-metal materials and polymer synthetic materials are called the three major materials. The current output of polymer synthetic materials provided by the petrochemical industry in the world is about 145 million tons. In 1996, my country had more than 8 million tons. In addition to synthetic materials, petrochemicals also provide most of the organic chemical raw materials. Within the scope of the chemical industry, in addition to chemical products provided by chemical minerals, petrochemicals produce raw materials in various departments.

3. Petrochemical industry has promoted the development of agriculture

Agriculture is the basic industry of our national economy. The nitrogen fertilizer provided by the petrochemical industry accounts for 80% of the total fertilizer. The promotion and use of agricultural plastic films, coupled with the rational use of pesticides and various fuels required by a large number of agricultural machinery have formed the main force of the petrochemical industry to support agriculture.

4. All industrial sectors are inseparable from petrochemical products

The development of modern transportation industry is closely related to fuel supply. It is no exaggeration to say that without fuel, there would be no modern transportation industry. Metal processing and all kinds of machinery require all kinds of lubricating materials and other supporting materials without exception, consuming a large amount of petrochemical products. The world's lubricating grease production is about 20 million tons, and our country is about 1.8 million tons. The building materials industry is a new field of petrochemical products, such as plastic materials, doors and windows, floor materials, and coatings are called chemical building materials. The light industry and textile industry are traditional users of petrochemical products. The development and promotion of new materials, new processes and new products are all in the presence of petrochemical products. At present, the fast-developing electronics industry and many high-tech industries have put forward new requirements for petrochemical products, especially fine chemical products produced with petrochemical products as raw materials, which is a huge boost to the development of the petrochemical industry.

The relationship between petrochemicals and our lives

Petrochemical products are closely related to people’s lives, ranging from spaceships in space, planes in the sky, ships at sea, trains and cars on land, to computers, desks, toothbrushes, towels, food packaging containers, etc. we use every day. The colorful costumes, all kinds of building materials and decoration supplies, and varied amusement equipment, etc., are closely related to the petrochemical industry. It can be said that petrochemical products are indispensable to everything in our daily life of "clothing, food, housing, and transportation". [3]


Clothes are no longer limited to keeping warm. We wear clothes more to beautify our lives and improve our self-confidence. The impact of petrochemical products on human "clothing" is mainly the clothing revolution brought about by synthetic fibers and artificial leather.

Fiber Clothing Since my country began to develop the synthetic fiber industry in 1959, it has processed all kinds of cheap and good-quality acrylic, polyester, vinylon, nylon and other synthetic fiber clothing materials to solve the problem of people's clothing. A synthetic fiber factory with an area of only about 4,000 square meters on a football field can produce 90,000 tons of fiber per year. To harvest 90,000 tons of cotton, 1,600 square kilometers of land is required, and 40,000 square kilometers of pasture land is required to produce the same amount of wool. .

Artificial leather Natural leather has a high cost of use due to restrictions on resources, animal protection and processing techniques. Artificial leather is the earliest invented substitute for leather fabrics. It is made by calendering and compounding polyvinyl chloride PVC plus plasticizers and other additives on cloth. It has the advantages of low price, rich colors, and various patterns. Polyurethane PU artificial leather and composite artificial leather are the new generation products of PVC artificial leather, and are closer to leather fabrics. PU artificial leather is suitable for making leather shoes, handbags, jackets, sofa cushions, etc.


As the saying goes: People rely on food as the heaven, and food is the most basic need for human survival.

The petrochemical industry has improved the production efficiency of agricultural and livestock products. Due to the application of chemical fertilizers and agricultural chemicals, food production has increased, and farmers' food production capacity has increased by at least 40%.

The fresh-keeping film and various food packaging boxes used in our daily life are all made of synthetic resin. These food fresh-keeping packaging materials extend the shelf life of food and make our lives more convenient and rich.


Housing for modern people is no longer just sheltering from wind and rain. People's requirements for "living" are not only beautiful and durable, but also fire and noise prevention. The construction industry is the largest plastic user second only to the packaging industry. For example, plastic floor tiles, carpets, plastic pipes, wall panels, paints, etc. are also petrochemical products. Environmentally friendly wood-plastic, aluminum-plastic and other composite materials have largely replaced wood and metal.

In addition to building materials, furniture and household products are the world of petrochemical products.

The use of gas allows people to get rid of the smoky days of burning coal and wood.


Traveling thousands of miles is no longer a difficult task nowadays. Modern transportation such as cars, trains, ships, and airplanes bring convenience and enjoyment to human travel. It is the petrochemical industry that provides the fuel for these transportations.

Petrochemical products such as plastics, rubber, coatings and adhesives have been widely used in vehicles, reducing manufacturing costs and improving performance. The plastic parts of a car account for about 7% to 20% of its weight. For every 10% reduction in the weight of a car, fuel consumption can be reduced by 6% to 8%.

In short, petrochemicals provide human beings with a variety of daily necessities, enabling us to enjoy a high standard of living with adequate food, comfort and convenience.

Previous:Introduction to Petrochemical Industry How it was formed Next:Introduction to the petrochemical industry What is its basic raw material

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